Helpful Tips for Using a Knee Walker

In case of a situation that requires from you to deal either with severe, or with bearable, but still existing and bothering foot pain most of the patients nowadays are forced to use crutches to walk around continuing living their ordinary lives and still, recovering. As a matter of fact, regardless of the specific type of feet intervention or other medical treatment of the leg, crutches have been always the top recommended walking aids these days.

An Alternative

Though, no matter how many amazing advantages crutches come with, they can become a source of additional pain, especially when not knowing how to use them properly! An alternative, which can minimize the discomfort, though exists, and it’s great news that lots of patients nowadays have found it.

The alternative is simply called a knee walker. And to tell you the truth, guys, if using it properly, the pain might be twice less than when using a pair of crutches (indeed, and even when it comes to a truly modern and backed up with a whole set of extras model).


If you have decided to give up on your pair of crutches, or any of your family members, friends or relatives have advised you to test a knee walker, there’s a big chance for you to recover faster and less painfully. Of course, there are two requirements you are supposed to meet if you want to replace the crutches or any other foot recovery walking aid with a knee walker.

First of all, on mandatory, you should conduct your decision with your physician. Different traumas require different treatments. It means that different afterward rehabilitation is assigned.

On the other side, you should be ready to learn all the helpful tips for using a knee walker in order to ensure that a knee walker will not become as hard, painful and inconvenient as the old, but gold pair of crutches seems to you.

Useful Tips

If you have already discussed the usage of a knee walker for your recovery, or you just need some preliminary information to receive, below you can find our list with the best and most beneficial tips to take benefits of when it comes to using a knee walker:

          1. On mandatory, talk to your physician at first. He would know better what the best model for you is, as well as how often to use it. Some therapists might even recommend you to use both – a knee walker and crutches.

          2. The uninjured leg should strength in order to propel the knee walker once the time for carrying the entire weight of your body comes.

          3. Learn to balance the knee walker. It’s the top factor you should start with in order to get used to your walking aid. We recommend you to balance your weight over the center of the knee walker.

          4. Do not even think about putting your leg somewhere else, besides on the device. Before getting on the knee walker, which by the way, is also known by the name of a scooter, read the instructions and guides that come with the purchase. In these guides, you will find out which part of the walker for what is used.

          5. Be aware of the limits a knee walker comes with. These limits are based on two specific things: first of all, on the specification of the device, itself, as well as the specification of your trauma, respectively your rehabilitation program. In most cases, a knee walker does not predispose high speed when moving.

         6. Start your knee walker trial at a safe zone. It might be even in your own home, but if you have an open space nearby, it’s better to take the benefit of it. Start with 10, then with 30 minutes of using the device and once you feel ready, go on a longer walk far away from our home place.

          7. Start the trial with a person for support nearby. Indeed, the knee walker is not like those walkers which require a person to push you, but the safety of having someone to encourage you is a must to get used to the scooter as soon as possible.

          8. Do not get lazy because of the knee walker. Many people get off their crutches to step on the scooter once they get too tired of the rehabilitation and prefer to be “moved” around by such a device. Even if you are moved around thanks to the walker, don’t underestimate the activity as a significant part of your overall recovery program. Do your exercise!

          9. In 90% of the cases, there are features for adjustment in any knee walker. Before getting on your personal scooter, learn how to adjust it to your size, height, weight and mostly your trauma.

          10. There’s a certain frequency to hold on when it comes a specific model of a knee walker and its maintenance requirement. If you don’t see any specifications regarding this in the guides, contact the manufacturer and find out everything necessary as to how to keep your knee walker in a top condition – keeping it clean, checking out for damages on a regular basis and so on.

          11. Turn routine into your main teacher when getting used to having a knee walker for your trauma recovery. It means you should give yourself some time until you learn how to perform the different movements, as well as some experience until you reach the moment for a truly long walk.

          12. Riding over high floor thresholds is challenging. Going too quickly can tip the walker forward. For higher “bumps”, come to a complete stop, then lift one wheel maneuver it over the bump.

          13. Always when doing something in a static position, but on your knee walker, turn on the breaks. Do your job and only when you need to make a movement on a distance, turn them off and move.

          14. To sit down, you should better back into the seat and lock the brakes. You can then easily and safely dismount and sit down. Then the walker is ready to be used to protect the injured leg and minimize swelling.

          15. When braking, the braking wheel must be in contact with the floor and it works best with weight on the walker. If you need to, practice until you ensure you have learned this movement.

          16. If you believe there’s something wrong with your knee walker or the way it moves you around, do not hesitate to ask for assistance. You can visit your physician to make sure you are doing everything fine. On the other side, you can directly contact the manufacturer for questions, help or even visits.

          17. Do not use your knee walker under the influence of alcohols, drugs, including pain killers that make you feel dizzy or sleepy. It’s a device with an engine, so incidents are very possible. Make sure to avoid any kind of additional injuries during your recovery of your primary trauma.

          18. Never push yourself too much. It’s not necessary for your specific health condition to experience more freedom or convenience with the knee walker rather with the crutches or some other form of walking aid. Different patients require and prefer different approaches into the perfect rehabilitation.


We remind you that this material has an only informative purpose and it is not written by real doctors or medical experts, including in the sphere of trauma rehabilitation. Please, be aware that your therapist is the right person to conduct your worries and methods for recovery. If you, though, need some additional information regarding knee walkers and tips for using them, don’t hesitate and contact us.

We would be glad to help you as soon and as fine as possible!

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