Forearm Crutches vs Cane – Which One To Choose?

Whether you have recently experienced some stressful leg intervention, or you are still in your long-lasting injury rehabilitation, the following recovery process might be crucial in your well-being during the eventual and temporary mobility limits. This is why finding the right walking aid is a must.

Today, we are going to make a detailed review of two specific mobility accessories that might be considered as the top common ones when it comes to an injured leg or a recent intervention, which enforces such.  To be more concrete, our subject of discussion is a potential dilemma lots of patients might fall into – forearm crutches vs cane, which one to choose?

Before going directly and deeply into our discussion, we would like to remark that both of these walking aids are mostly similar for their general application. Usually, a physical therapist would prescribe you either forearm crutches, or crane either if you have experienced some small intervention with no serious complications and specially tailored recommendations for the rehabilitation, or when the recovery is suggested to be long-lasting.

As a general tip, we are confident to give you we would say listening to your personal medical physician is the top great idea you can take benefits of. He or she is the one that knows your individual medical case in details at full value and better than anyone else. Though, in many cases, doctors might provide you with a choice.

In those cases, when you should make up your mind and your own decision, the situation is the following: you can confidently use both of the walking aids: cane or forearm crutches and none of them might hurt or postpone your fast rehabilitation. In other words, it’s a matter of what you feel more suitable and convenient for your lifestyle routine.

In order to let you make up your mind and your own decision objectively, it is better for us to offer you the sets of pros and cons per each of these specific walking aids. Below, you are able to meet forearm crutches and the old, but gold cane to orient which would fit you the most.

About the forearm crutches

The forearm crutches are many cases, on the other side, compared to the underarm crutches. Today’s physicians usually agree that even though harder to get used to, the forearm crutches are more comfortable and cause almost no pain unlike their alternative – the underarm crutches.

Hence, our material isn’t devoted to the comparison between the forearm crutches and the underarm crutches. When it comes to putting the forearm crutches next to the cane, basically, we mean similar rehabilitation situations and recommendations.

Speaking of which, the forearm crutches are usually prescribed to various cases – from a serious intervention that requires a long-lasting period of recovery to minor procedures, as well as dislocations, breakages or post-trauma swelling and pain.

Forearm crutches – cons

Below, you will find our specially tailored list of the most common cons of using forearm crutches. On mandatory take them under consideration even if you have almost decided to go for this alternative rather than getting a cane:

1. One of the biggest disadvantages of using forearm crutches is the requirement to master them well in advance before starting sensing the real big deal of having them. Indeed, it takes a solid time to get used to the forearm crutches, as well as coordination, balance and preliminary preparation for an active life.

2. Walking down and up the stairs might be a serious challenge when you are supported by forearm crutches. Though, this con is also related to the practice factor. If you truly get used to them, stairs become no longer an obstacle for you.

3. There are many old-fashioned models of forearm crutches as the underarm crutches represent the newer alternative for using crutches during a leg rehabilitation. This is why if you are not familiar with today’s medical trends and brans as to such walking aids you might come upon a model that would be truly uncomfortable.

4. Sometimes, the tips of the forearm crutches wear out too quickly. The good news is that you shouldn’t get a new pair, but simply replace the tips or get some extra cushions.

5. If directly compare the forearm crutches with a standard cane, the heaviness is a top con we should point out. Moreover – not only you should carry them, but you also should always think about the storage resolution – where to put the forearm crutches during a trip, how to accommodate them in a restaurant and etc.

Forearm crutches – pros

Now, let’s move to the top pros of using forearm crutches. Basically, they are quite a lot and refer to lots of rehabilitation program styles, but we would stick to the most general ones among them:

1. 100% comfort during wearing – of course, you should do a lot of work to get to this point as the practice is a must.

2. Prevention of axillary nerve damage or axillary nerve palsy is guaranteed if you use forearm crutches.

3. The forearm crutches are also more stable when you have to pass by some uneven surfaces. In many cases, such stability is not possible if you have only your cane with yourself.

4. The forearm crutches are also great in keeping your posture correct. This is a thing you might not consider during the rehabilitation process, but once it ends you’ll figure it out how important it is.

5. The forearm crutches depending on their model, brand, and the manufacturer might come with lots of additional extras and functions to take benefits of and to guarantee even greater comfort.

About the cane

Canes are generally used by unsteady but independent walkers for balance support. Though, they are great alternatives for post-trauma and post-intervention rehabilitation. Below, you will find the lists with both: pros and cons of using a cane rather than going for a modern pair of forearm crutches.

Cane – cons

We start with the set of the most common cons when using a cane and specifically when preferring it rather than getting a pair of forearm crutches. Check them out now:

1. Some canes simply cannot stand balanced and supporting you in the best way on uneven surfaces. To be more specific, there are very few brands with canes that are possible to overcome this con.

2. Slipping is a very common issue when using a cane. If you have to keep yourself balanced in the best way with a walking aid, the cane might not be the best idea to try.

3. If you have just had your operation and you are a bit (or a lot) above the normal weight or height, there’s a big possibility for the cane to be not supportive and convenient for you at all. In other words – don’t get a cane, if you suffer from overweight.

4. Constant use of a cane will most definitely strain your shoulder and cause pain. This risk refers to all cases a patient turns to use a cane.

5. On the other side, in case it’s not made of the right and most suitable materials, a straight cane will break quickly.

Cane – pros

Now, to make it clear for you, we definitely did not take the side of the forearm crutches, as besides a list of the cons, we also have a whole bunch of pros that might make you prefer the cane rather than the heavy crutches. Speaking of which…

1. One of the most logical and obvious advantages of using a cane is the storage. You literally can store your cane anywhere you want to. Meanwhile, there’s no such a thing as a too heavy cane as the most modern models are even as light as a chicken’s feather!

2. Using a cane rather than any other type of walking aid (including the contemporary forearm crutches) also provides a chance to reduce knee or ankle sprain. It’s a very important pro when it comes to smooth rehabilitation.

3. According to today’s medical orthopedic specialists, the cane is always the best option if you suffer from light injury as it supports 25% of your body weight. Everything else would be unnecessary and too heavy to portable.

4. There’s no doubt that if you have to climb the stairs up and down lots of times per day and you have no time for getting used to the forearm crutches, there’s nothing better than the old, but a gold cane.

5. The availability of so many (literally millions) of models and brands for a cane turns the final decision for purchase quite easy. Moreover – the cane is easy to be found in the medical network of shops. Last, but not least, the cane is totally the cheapest walking accessory aid these days!

We truly hope you are now fully ready to make up your mind and decide – which one, the cane or the forearm crutches would suit you better! If you have any additional questions or need of some more information, don’t hesitate to contact us right away.

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